

The company name, ACGeneTic, is from the letters of DNA code: Adenine (A), Cytosine (C), Guanine (G), and Thymine (T).

The First Goal

ACGeneTic Therapeutics is mainly established for researching personalized gene-editing therapy to cure Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophies Type 2B (LGMD2B) disease, which is a rare progressive genetic disorder caused by genetic mutations. However, our ultimate goal is not just for LGMD2B treatment, but also for treating other rare diseases with precise gene-editing techniques.

Individualized Gene Therapy for Muscular Disorders

After finishing researches on LGMD2B, we would definitely research other types of muscular disorders and other genetic diseases as well. We believe our research data and experiences on LGMD2B will help us to develop new treatments for other disease patients.

Passions & Possibility

The Founder of this company is a patient of LGMD2B himself. And So are his siblings. He has been looking for some ways to cure the disease ever since diagnosed, but no medicine, treatment nor therapy yet. But we recently see many scientific research results about Stem Cells and Gene-Editing which are showing the promising possibility to cure LGMD2B and other muscular disorders.